Fertility Awareness Method
For the woman who wants to learn how to track her fertile window. Fertility Awareness Method (aka FAM) is a mini course designed to teach you how to track ovulation and your fertile window. With this knowledge, you can either use FAM as a natural alternative to more invasive birth control methods like “the pill” or IUDs OR as a tool to increase your odds of getting pregnant. In general, the fertility awareness method can provide great insight regarding your hormone health and fertility.
What You Will Learn:
- Brief overview of different birth control methods
- How to determine your fertile window
- Pros and cons of using FAM as a contraceptive method
- How to use the fertility awareness method to prevent pregnancy OR increase chances of conceiving
- In-depth discussion about various ovulation tracking methods (cervical mucus, cervix position, basal body temperature, hormone testing, etc)
- Possible scenarios that can happen with basal body temperature graphs including examples
- How to interpret positive and negative LH-based ovulation testing including examples
- Overview of fertility tracking apps and several popular products (Daysy, Ava Bracelet, Temp Drop, Inito, Mira, Kegg)
11 page ovulation tracking guide
1 Module (104 min) & 11 page Ovulation Tracking Guide